My First Blog Post!

Wow, my very first blog post I've ever made and ever will make. What an honor it is to be here! Please excuse the lame website design for the time being, I've only just started. This will get better as I progress in my design and art skills, I assure you.

As for now, I have to talk about things. That's the whole point of a blog, yes? As this is my first time doing this, I'm not very sure where to start, so let me consult the list of random things I've read in other people's blog posts for inspiration.


Subject 1: Gaming

Minecraft is fun. I would say I occupy an almost average side of the playerbase, which is to say that I'm not good at videogames. I've been playing since I was a child, as I assume most people do, and that has given me some skill, somewhere, but I wouldn't think myself good enough to do things like fight the Ender Dragon. I've had a lot of fun in the game though, and this year, I intend to actually get better and do this thing that I don't yet have the skill to do.

Now, I don't own many games on Steam. Just a few that I've been wanting to play or saw someone else play or whatnot. A game I've been meaning to play through is Rain World, so I've been avoiding spoilers as best I can. I played a bit of it a while ago; got stuck in Garbage Wastes because I ran at a scavenger with a spear, and didn't feel like chancing the toll. Now I have a new computer, so I can try again and hopefully not anger a scav early into the game.

Subject 2: Website

Developing a personal website has been fun, if a bit more irritating than I was expecting, because styling and spacing is a bit strange to grasp quickly. I'm certain that as I grow it'll become second nature. I wonder how all of your workflows on this website work. One of the things I've read about on Neocities' learn page is to use static site generators for updating things like blogs and other simple things. I looked through some SSGs and found one that was only like 300 lines long and in python, so I think I'm going to write my own SSG, because I enjoy poorly reinventing wheels.

I made a rudimentary logo, which I did not extensively check if something similar existed before. Looking around on various image sites, it doesn't seem like there's a similar "eclipse" logo, but I could also just be ignorant of something or someone's creation.

(It does kinda remind me of Starbound. Maybe I took inspiration subconsciously?)

Don't expect this specific iteration to be here long. Or maybe it will. I don't know. There are a couple things I don't particularly like about it, and other things that I think are really good, and besides, I know very little about graphic design or anything of the sort.

I also don't know any of the important parts of developing a website besides HTML and CSS. I don't know how to structure my folders for ease of development or how JS works. I don't know how I'm going to structure this website ahead of time for ease of use on the user side(I have a general framework I've drawn up, but nothing major. Just enough to get off the ground and figure out what I actually want to do.)

I just don't know much about anything. Maybe I could do a series on learning those things and chronicle my progress. Maybe I shouldn't do that; I don't need to broadcast my life on the internet. Or my terrible code and organization, for that matter. But then again, this is only really for me, so it would make for a good laugh 5-10 years down the line when I'm excellent at such things.

Subject 3: Computer

I have my computer running Arch Linux with wayland. My setup is complete garbage and will probably remain that way for the next few months. It's great and I've been having a lot of fun with it.

Witness it!

I don't even have notifications, and I only just learned that I had a single config value set wrong, which made my internet connection substantially worse. This is the majesty of a learning experience, and I intend to stay on Linux until I die, because I can truly say that this has been a better experience than Windows. I've never had a Mac, but they look cool(as in, having good UI/UX,) and you can probably remove the restrictions and spyware that I've heard they have. I should have done that with my computer and put Libreboot or something on it.

Then again, at the time I wanted to dual boot with Windows because I was just trying out Linux to see if I could use it and if it would make me better at using the terminal and related tools. And besides, I can't use Libreboot because I don't have a compatible laptop. Or maybe I do, and I didn't read the documentation well enough. Maybe I should look into Coreboot. I dunno.

Subject 4: Unrelated

This was the first week of college. In this first week, I got a bunch of free stuff, including a whole table that fits under my desk. Bringing that home was a struggle. Can't wait to do cool stuff on it!

The table on it's side in my kitchen

Went ice skating today (Feb 1.) I used to be pretty bad at it, and I still am, but I managed to actually move around without hanging onto the wall all the time. I think my skates were a size too big, because while I tied them tight, there was a decent amount of room for the front of my foot, and I could still shift the back of my foot slightly. I also don't have the muscle memory down, and I had a good fall. I think I needed that fall, honestly.

Ah well. Stay tuned for updates!

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